Malaysian utility signs MoU on capacity building with Belgian operator

Malaysian utility signs MoU on capacity building with Belgian operator

Tenaga Nasional Berhad and Elia will share knowledge in asset management, grid infrastructure development, renewable energy integration, cross-boundary system and market operations and will jointly research and develop new business cases.
TNB proposes 13 collaborative projects with Belgium’s Elia System Operator
the edge markets

TNB proposes 13 collaborative projects with Belgium’s Elia System Operator

Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) has proposed 13 collaborative projects under a two-year strategic collaboration to share best practices in capacity building with European transmission system operator Elia System Operator SA.
TNB signs MoU with Belgium and Germany transmission operator Elia
New Straits Times

TNB signs MoU with Belgium and Germany transmission operator Elia

Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Elia System Operator SA to share best practices in capacity building.
TNB eyes 13 projects with Belgian power transmission firm

TNB eyes 13 projects with Belgian power transmission firm

TNB plans to collaborate on 13 projects with Elia System Operator SA, the sole operator of Belgium’s high-voltage grid and one of Europe’s largest transmission system operators in Europe.
EVNNPT’s Chairman of Management Board Dang Phan Tuong has a meeting with leader of Elia Grid International (EGI)

EVNNPT’s Chairman of Management Board Dang Phan Tuong has a meeting with leader of Elia Grid International (EGI)

​On 15th June 2017, Chairman of Management Board of National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) had a meeting with leader and experts of Elia Grid International of Belgium (EGI). The meeting was on implementation status of EVNNPT’s on-going project “Assessment of current status of Vietnam national power transmission system and recommendation of solutions to overcome the existing”.
Receiving delegation of Embassy of Belgium in Vietnam and Elia Grid International (EGI)

Receiving delegation of Embassy of Belgium in Vietnam and Elia Grid International (EGI)

On August 18th 2016, Mr. Nguyen Minh Thang – Member of Management Board of National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) had a meeting with Ms. Anke VAN LANCKER – First Secretary of Embassy of Belgium In Vietnam and representatives of ELIA – a Power Grid Corporation of Belgium.