The EGI's "3S" approach to Developing, Operating, and Energizing Power Systems

Our approach covers all stakeholder requirements, from power infrastructure development to complex system operation and energy sector market development.

Built on three interdependent pillars of expertise, our approach provides comprehensive support in the following areas:

  1. Power Infrastructure Development: We provide support in renewable energy integration, onshore and offshore system planning, technical due diligence, de-risking of infrastructure projects, cost-benefit analysis, and more.

  2. Complex System Operation: We offer real-time and automated management of the system, renewable power generation and demand forecasting, integrated AI support, and much more.

  3. Energy Sector & Market Development: Our expert support includes designing wholesale and balancing markets, analysis of RES support schemes, decentralization of markets, and automation of trading, tariffs, and grid codes.

At EGI, we understand that each of these three core pillars of expertise is interdependent and necessary to provide a comprehensive solution for the power transmission business. 

Our “3S” approach is like a rotating spinner, with each pillar representing a leg that balances and supports the others. With this holistic approach, we deliver the best possible solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.